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Holmleigh Park High School

Mrs Jones

It is with great sadness that we announce that Mrs Jones passed away on Sunday 21st November.

Julie was part of the very soul of our school, having worked here since 2004. She was a wonderful Learning Support Assistant, who was deeply committed to the students she worked with. She was much loved by both staff and students for her kindness and her cheerfulness, and all of our lives are richer for having known her.

No words can express how deeply she will be missed. 

We have opened this Book of Condolences for staff, students, parents, carers and friends of the school to sign. In time, we will write to families again with details of how we intend to remember Julie as a school. 

Should you wish to, donations to Rocky's Rescue would be warmly received; Julie and her husband adopted their dog Rudy from them, and it would have meant a lot to Julie to know that this charity is being supported. 

In the meantime, our thoughts are with Julie's husband Kevin, and her son Tom, both of whom meant the world to her.

Rest in Peace. 


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  • Patrick Farmbrough 3 years ago
    Julie, we are all broken-hearted today. You have been such an important part of what makes our school so special. It will never quite be the same here without your smile, but we will all treasure the memories you have left us. Rest in Peace.
  • Alex Simick 3 years ago
    My condolences go to your family Julie. You were a kind and caring person. Im going to miss our facebook chats about camping and our doggies! Ms Simck
  • Ben Parnell 3 years ago
    Such a huge loss for the her family, the school, and the wider GLT community. I know her work at Holmleigh Park has been exceptional and everyone has lost a fantastic colleague
  • Dan Pearce 3 years ago
    My thoughts are with Julie's family at this time. A wonderful woman who was always only too ready to cheer people up and engage in conversation, no matter the time or place. Students and staff alike will miss Julie dearly, she was an integral part of the school and the children she worked with gained fantastic and unyielding support from her. I will miss Julie dearly, as I'm sure, will everyone else.
  • Honor Brooker 3 years ago
    Julie, your face was never ever without a smile. Such a rock for students to go to, so warm and compassionate to all students and staff. Thank you from us all, Rest in Peace.
  • Stephanie Wright 3 years ago
    Julie we are all devestated to hear this news today. You were the most gentle, happy, compassionate and caring lady and we all feel your loss greatly today. We are thinking of your family and friends at this time. You were a very special ray of sunshine and we will miss your warmth and smile. Thinking of you all at this very difficult time and you are in our thoughts and prayers.
  • Helen White 3 years ago
    So sorry for Julie's family. Over the last year Julie had become a good friend as well as a colleague and I will miss her.
  • James King 3 years ago
    Julie, you will be so sadly missed and so fondly remembered. Contributed so much to the life of the school, absolutely devastating news.
  • Connor Thompson 3 years ago
    My thoughts and wishes are with Julie's family after this tragic news. The school will not be the same. You went above and beyond any job remit and the staff and students appreciated this massively. All done with a smile and huge warmth. Rest in peace.
  • Susan Crisp 3 years ago
    The loss of Julie will be felt by so many... I do hope that the memories of her lovely personality whilst working here at HP High will be celebrated by her family and all that worked alongside her.
  • Jane Mason 3 years ago
    "In a gentle way you can shake up the world." How these words speak of you dear Julie. A kind and gentle soul who will be sorely missed by students and staff alike. In my thoughts and prayers.
  • Paula Raine 3 years ago
    I am so deeply saddened to hear such sad news. Julie supported my son through school with such positivity until he left in 2018, always keeping me updated with how he was doing or sharing my pride when he went to prom . Julie was a remarkable lady who always made time for a chat, you will be truly missed. Sending love and condolences to your family and everyone who was lucky to know you xx
  • Shelley Smith 3 years ago
    Our love and thought are with the family right now x
  • Donna Cayless 3 years ago
    Julie always made time to make sure you were ok and genuinely wanted to help everyone she knew. One brighter star in the sky tonight.
  • Jo Izatt 3 years ago
    My thoughts and prayers are with Julie's family at this time of great loss and deepest sadness. Julie was a such a kind, helpful, friendly colleague who supported so many. We will miss her so very much.
  • Sarah Murray 3 years ago
    Sending my thoughts to Julie’s family at this very difficult time. Such tragic news; Julie’s kindness and compassion for our students will be greatly missed.
  • Andy Park 3 years ago
    Julie, you will be massively missed by both and students. Your caring, kind and supportive manner made such a difference to so many students in school. I will particularly miss you in my lessons when you managed to be so positive even when students were really struggling. My thoughts are with all of Julie's family and friends at this very sad time.
  • Kinza Barrett 3 years ago
    Julie's warmth and positivity made such an impact on the students she worked with, her smile and laughter will be very much missed in the classrooms, corridors and playgrounds at HP. Julie's family and friends are in my prayers at this very sad time.
  • Geri Fanning 3 years ago
    Julie my dear friend, woman of wise words and wisdom. I will take with me putting our world to right’s conversations, our memories and kind words. You will always be in my heart and many more. My thoughts are with Kevin and Tom at this sad time xxxx
  • Tommy O'Gallagher 3 years ago
    Julie, you were such a positive and vivacious person, and great with our children. My thoughts are with your family at this very tough time.
  • Ollie Baxter-Smith 3 years ago
    Such as loss, never saw Julie without a smile on her face! Thoughts with her family during this sad time. x
  • Shelby Barnes 3 years ago
    sorry about your loss and miss jones was such a lovely lady she always helped me if I need the happy and she was always there for everyone if the school we miss her loads
  • sharon Marshall 3 years ago
    I'm just so sad having known Julie for 17 years not only as a member of the SEN team but as a friend. Always warm and caring to our pupils . My thoughts are with Kev and Tom at this very sad time xxxx
  • Di Waters 3 years ago
    Julie,a kind and gentle soul, looking out for and after others.I remember well our time on the Covid registration team as Julie welcomed students at the door with a comforting smile and reassuring words .My thoughts and prayers are with her friends and family. She will be sadly missed.
  • Emma Price 3 years ago
    I am so sad to have lost such a dear friend and member of the SEN Team. Julie was incredibly kind and caring and she was also great fun. She was devoted to her family and I can still picture her telling me how she absolutely loved her recent summer holiday in Wales. I will always remember Julie with fond memories and feel privileged to have known her.
  • Giorgio Hlad 3 years ago
    Julie, you will be missed by everyone at the school. Rest in peace. My thoughts are with your close friends and family.
  • Nicki McRae 3 years ago
    I'll miss you Julie. You were a friend and colleague for 17 years and such a kind soul. You always had a smile and would do anything for anyone. A true heart of gold. My thoughts are with your family at this difficult time. xx
  • Jayne Sinden 3 years ago
    Sending my thoughts and prayers to Julie's family at this sad time. I had the great pleasure of working alongside Julie last year in my English lessons and I will miss her kind, caring and thoughtful manner, who always put the students first. Rest in peace and keep on smiling.
  • James Pugh 3 years ago
    Whilst I never worked closely with Julie the one thing I do remember vividly about her was that whenever I seemed to walk past her in the corridor she always seemed to have the biggest smile on her face. What a wonderful characteristic for a person and colleague to have to spread some joy around especially if you were feeling low or stressed.
  • Helen Hutchinson 3 years ago
    This is such sad news. My thoughts are with all of Julies family and friends. Julie was a gently, quiet, kind and thoughtful lady who had a great smile. She will be missed by many.
  • Laura Jennings 3 years ago
    Julie we are all devestated to hear the sad news. You were the most gentle, happy and caring lady and we all feel your loss greatly. I will miss our chats in the staff room and around school. My thoughts are with your family and close friends at this devastating time.
  • M. Bull 3 years ago
    Julie such a kind, caring and bubbly person, she will be sadly missed, my thoughts go out to all her family at this sad time.
  • Emily Ravenhill 3 years ago
    Oh Julie, how I will miss the laughs! You were a bright spot in the classroom who always 'got the joke' even when the kids didn't. You always had something kind to say ... often not realising how you cheered me up some days. I will miss you and cannot imagine the pain that your family are going through. My heart goes out to you all.
  • Kate Myers 3 years ago
    Julie, You were so kind, happy and well-loved member of our school. You took such an interest in what everyone around you was up to and made everyone you spoke to feel a little better. The work you did with our students will be so missed. I know your family and friends will be missing you hugely as you have left such a hole in our lives, rest in peace and look down on us all Lots of love, Kate
  • Shaun Stokes 3 years ago
    A lovely warm kind hearted lady who I have worked with for many years. A very sad day and she will be missed deeply by staff and especially students. Thinking of the family and close friends at this awful time.
  • Emma L 3 years ago
    Gutted that we will not be able to speak again about our dogs and their outings. You were such a wonderful, kind and thoughtful person, and all who knew you really are the lucky ones. We have some lovely memories on school trips that I shall cherish. My thoughts go to your family at this very sad time.
  • James Gumbrell 3 years ago
    Dear Julie, I shall think of you and your warmth for many years to come. Your quiet but caring manner and gentle sense of humour. Thinking too of Tom, and your husband at this difficult time. Devastating news, and I shall miss you greatly.
  • tina laing 3 years ago
    My heart breaks for Kev and Tom at this difficult and sad time. Like everyone that know you, I will miss you terribly. I was so lucky to experience many years of your gentleness, your smile and your humor but above all your friendship. Sleep tight Julie, shine bright xx
  • Emma Goddard 3 years ago
    I worked alongside Julie for many years. She was always so positive and willing to help staff and students in any way she could always with a smile on her face.. My thoughts are with all her family and friends. She will be missed.
  • Helen King 3 years ago
    Julie, a friend and colleague I shall miss greatly. Always kind and encouraging, always thinking of others and caring so much for the pupils. My heart goes out to Kev and Tom.
  • Hilary 3 years ago
    Julie, your kind words, thoughtfulness and caring nature have helped so many people, both pupils and colleagues alike, over 17 years. We will miss your friendship and your smile. My thoughts are with Kevin, Tom and all the family at this very sad time.
  • Angela Exton 3 years ago
    My thoughts are with all of Julies family and close friends, I know you will be sadly missed by everyone... The love you have never take it with you. x
  • Sarah Scognamiglio 3 years ago
    I feel I have only known you for a short while but the void you leave will be felt forever. My thoughts and prayers are with your family but I hope they find comfort in knowing how much you were loved by all who knew you. God Bless Sarah x
  • Joni Connelly 3 years ago
    Ju, I'm going to miss you and our chit-chat, laughs and putting the world to rights so very much. You were such a kind, gentle, caring lady, full of warmth for our students and us, your friends. Keep smiling that bright smile! My thoughts are with your Kev and Tom at this sad time. xx
  • Jane McJennett 3 years ago
    I thought the world of Julie. I am going to miss you so much. I am so glad I told you so often what a lovely human being you are and lovely human beings are so rare. You were a fantastic TA, a huge support in the classroom with me. Over the last two years we have laughed a lot together and confided in each other and you have become one of my closest work friends. My deepest condolences to Kevin and Tom. My thoughts are with you both at such a terribly sad time.
  • Salika and Armel Guennec 3 years ago
    Julie will be sadly missed. She was such a kind lady, always smiling and so positive. Our thoughts are with are with her family.
  • Zoe Kingston 3 years ago
    All my memories of Julie are kind and warm, she was a lovely, caring lady who gave her all to her role and the students. My thoughts are with Kevin, Tom and Julie's family.
  • Sian P 3 years ago
    Julie was such a kind and caring person, who always took time out of her day to check in on you, no matter how well she knew you. A truly selfless and good person. She will be sadly missed.
  • Amanda Screen 3 years ago
    Julie you were such a kind soul and always there for the students you supported. You always had a smile on your face and a laugh that was infectious. My thoughts are with your family at this sad time.
  • Hana Mahmoud 3 years ago
    Julie was the first member of staff I met on my first day at work in September. While I didn’t know Julie for long, I will never forget how caring and kind she was to me. She helped me feel so welcome. Thinking of all of those that had the privilege of knowing Julie for longer x
  • Gavin Ritchie 3 years ago
    Julie, you were such a buoyant and welcoming spirit in our school family. I remember your kindess above all. My thoughts are with your family and loved ones at this time of loss.

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