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Holmleigh Park High School


Detailed information on the curriculum maps for each subject can be found on the curriculum section of our website. 

Study Programme Requirements

All of our Sixth Form study programmes are full time, with students expected to be onsite a from 08:30-14:55 each day, including for any study periods. Students may only go offsite for break and lunch. 

Our study programmes meet the requirements for 16-19 programmes in full, and consist of the following:

A Levels Pathway

  • 10x 55 minute lessons per fortnight in first A Level

  • 10x 55 minute lessons per fortnight in second A Level

  • 10x 55 minute lessons per fortnight in third A Level

  • 215 minutes of enrichment/PE per fortnight

  • 6x 30 minute morning interventions / tutor time per fortnight

  • 2x 30 minute assemblies per fortnight

  • 6x 25 minute afternoon interventions / tutor time per fortnight

  • For a total of 37 hours and 40 minutes of guided learning per fortnight / 733 guided learning hours per year

  • In addition, students have 17 55 minute Supervised Study Sessions for an additional 15 hours and 40 minutes of non-guided learning per fortnight / an additional 304 hours per year. If students are retaking English or Maths GCSE, some of these non-guided hours will be replaced with additional English and/or Maths lessons. 

Technical Pathway

  • 27x 55 minute lessons per fortnight in main subject

  • 215 minutes of enrichment/PE per fortnight

  • 8x 30 minute morning interventions / tutor time per fortnight

  • 2x 30 minute assemblies per fortnight

  • 8x 25 minute afternoon interventions / tutor time per fortnight

  • For a total of 36 hours and 40 minutes of guided learning per week / 715 guided learning hours per year

  • In addition, students have 20x 55 minute Supervised Study Sessions for an additional 18 hours and 20 minutes of non-guided learning per fortnight / an additional 357 hours and 30 minutes per year. If students are retaking English or Maths GCSE, some of these non-guided hours will be replaced with additional English and/or Maths lessons.