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Holmleigh Park High School

Equality and Diversity

Holmleigh Park is committed to equal opportunity and values diversity. We will challenge prejudice and intolerance and seek to eliminate discrimination.

The promotion of equality of opportunity is in the best interests of our staff, students and the wider community, and we will work constantly to ensure Holmleigh Park is an open and accepting community to all. 

Our Equalities and Diversity Policy can be downloaded here

We operate an Equalities and Diversity Steering group, which exists to further the aims above. The chair of the committee is Ms Martin ( 

Students learn about the importance of equality and diversity through our weekly PSHE lessons. We are in the process of uploading a selection of relevant links and resources to this page. 


Holmleigh Park EDI Events 2023-24

These events are reviewed annually. Any students who would like a particular EDI aspect covered through our program should raise through the School Council and speak to our EDI lead, Miss Martin.



UK National Inclusion Week - 25th Sept to 1st Oct


Black History Month - 1st to 31st October


Remembrance Day - 11th November

Diwali - 12th November

Anti Bullying Week - 13th to 17th November


UK Disability History Month - International Persons 1st to 31st December

Hanukkah - 7th December



LGBTQ+ History Month - 1st to 29th February


International Women's Day - 8th March

Holi Festival - 25th March

Easter - 31st March


Autism Acceptance Month - 2nd April

Eid Al-Fitr - 9th April


Mental Health Awareness Month - 1st to 31st May


World Refugee Day - 20th June