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Holmleigh Park High School

Letter from the Head - 22nd October 2021

In this issue: Looking back on Black History Month

Dear all,

We've had what I think has been a very successful first half-term. While it has certainly been challenging, I've been really pleased to see children in school so much, and I'm happy to report that our attendance has been significantly above the national average this term.

I am continuing to keep a close eye on the number of COVID cases in school, and while I know other schools in Gloucestershire have had high numbers, the number of cases at HP has remained fairly low. Many of you have asked for an update on vaccinations; I'm afraid I haven't yet been given a date by the NHS. Once we receive this, we will pass their correspondence on to you. In the meantime, thank you for your patience and understanding.

This week has seen the last of our parental tours. We have welcomed close to 200 families over the last six weeks, and I've hugely enjoyed showing so many families around the school. Even today, taking the last groups round at 14:15 on the last day of term, behaviour and learning were still absolutely exceptional in every class we visited. We are significantly up on applications compared to this time last year, and it's evident that we will be oversubscribed in Year 7 next year. 

Attention now turns to our Sixth Form Open Evening on the 25th November, and Mrs Marsden-Green will be writing to Year 11 parents when we return to invite them to attend.

In lessons, our Black History Month programme has drawn to a close with some fantastic lessons, looking at the contributions that people from a wide range of ethnicities have made to their subjects, and it's been great to see such diverse activities in class. While October may be drawing to a close, some of the work we have highlighted this month will be continuing when we get back as we continue towards making our school the most accepting and inclusive place it can possibly be. 

I hope that you and your family have a very enjoyable half term, and we look forward to welcoming students back on Tuesday 2nd November (please remember Monday 1st is an INSET day!).

Best wishes,

Mr Farmbrough
