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Holmleigh Park High School

Letter from the Head - 6th November 2020

In this issue: Keep calm and carry on, Edulink, Remembrance Day plans. 

Dear all,

A very brief update this week as I have already written to you (twice) regarding lockdown!

The first thing to say is a huge thank you for your support during the week. Almost all students turned up with a mask on Thursday, and they just calmly accepted the new rules and carried on with their day with no fuss whatsoever. As a result, learning hasn't missed a beat, and it's been wonderful to walk round school and soak up the atmosphere.

Two particular highlights have stood out:

First, we've had some actual, real GCSEs! Some Sixth Form students have retaken their English and Maths GCSEs (which happens at this time every year). They've worked hard so we wish them the best of luck.

Second, it's been wonderful to have Year 7 back. They have hit the ground running again, and we have missed their enthusiasm and positivity. It's great to have a full school again.

Finally, two quick notices:

First, if you haven't already activated your Edulink account, please do so. If you haven't received a username and password, please email

Second, Wednesday next week is Remembrance Day. We can't mark it as a whole school this year but will be commemorating the event in bubbles. As last year, students who are cadets may wear their uniform for the day.

Best wishes, and I hope that you and your family are as well as can be as we once more head into lockdown.

Mr Farmbrough
