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Holmleigh Park High School


In this issue: Work hard, be kind and take responsibility

Dear all,

We are now almost halfway through the academic year and it seems an appropriate time to reflect. Something that makes me very proud is seeing our values lived by our students each day. Our values are straightforward but encapsulate all the actions that we believe are important for our students, both now and in the future.

At Holmleigh Park one of our values is the concept of working hard. We know that by doing this all of our students are giving themselves the best possible chance of future success and having the widest array of opportunities when they leave us. In the past week we have seen different examples of working hard. We have had both a Year 11 Business Studies exam and an A Level Biology practical work assessment. Both of these count towards the students’ final grades and went very smoothly thanks to application of both students and staff. Well done to all of our students on Wednesday by completing either the online work or for working on their coursework within school. Our Year 10 students are now gearing up their revision towards their first assessment window of the year and we wish them all well with these.

Our other values are taking responsibility and being kind. This week we have continued to have visits from other schools, both within and outside Greenshaw Learning Trust, who are keen to find out more about what we do. All of our visitors are always very complimentary about the way your children take responsibility and conduct themselves within school. Something that always stands out to our visitors are the calm and purposeful classroom environments that all of our students learn in. Maintaining these high expectations every single day provides an environment where kindness can flourish.

Thank you for all of your support of our values and I wish you all a lovely weekend,

Mr Hudson
Head of School