Letter from the Head - Friday 1st March
In this issue: Looking ahead to our new Year 7s, improving home-school communication and seeing the school in action
Dear all,
Today all of our families whose children have been allocated a Year 7 place with us from September were given this news. We are always very excited at this time of year to start working with our new families and to be planning for the induction of our new Year 7 students. We also had a visit from all of the Grange Primary School Year 6 students yesterday, where we took them on a tour of the school and into a range of lessons. Grange joined the Greenshaw Learning Trust in November and we are very pleased to be able to work so closely with them.
Back in the autumn I held a families’ focus group around improving home-school communication. Since then a range of work has been going on in the background as we have evaluated our systems and are now in the process of laying the groundwork for a new Home-School Communication Protocol, which we will launch later this spring. We are currently creating a brand new Families’ Frequently Asked Questions webpage, which will be sent to you in due course for your feedback and so we can make necessary additions. I will continue to be in touch about this matter in the coming weeks.
Something that I have reflected on recently is what a privilege it is taking part in our Senior Leadership Team learning walks. Every lesson of every day a member of the SLT walks the school and visits classrooms to ensure that the quality of learning is always as high as possible. I am always so proud walking into our classrooms and seeing the fantastic teaching and hard work from our students. If you would ever like to join me on one of these to see the school in action, please do contact us.
I wish you all a lovely weekend,
Mr Hudson