Letter from the Head - 9th December 2022
In this issue: Reminder of advice on Scarlet Fever and Christmas Festivities
Dear all,
Before I begin my letter, please can I alert you that you should have received an email from me yesterday regarding Scarlet Fever. I've reattached the letter from Public Health England which summarises the medical advice, along with some Frequently Asked Questions about the disease. As always, we are following all medical advice and monitoring the situation. Confirmed cases remain low at Holmleigh Park, but I'd be very grateful if you can let the attendance team know if your child develops symptoms, so that we can continue to monitor the situation.
More festively, we've enjoyed some beautiful cold but crisp morning this weeks, and there is definitely a sense that Christmas is coming - helped along by the 12 foot Christmas tree which appeared in the foyer this week!
Many students have been taking the opportunity to be kind, particularly through the very generous donations we have received to our food bank appeal. Others have been writing cards to local care home residents, which we hope will bring a smile to their faces this week.
As I write this, staff are busy setting up for the Year 8 and 9 Christmas disco - which I'm sure will be the social highlight of the year! Year 7 will have to wait until next week, with their disco taking place next Thursday. All proceeds from both are going towards our Borneo expedition this summer.
We've also had a few other events this week, most notably our Scholars Form spending the day in London, a horseriding trip, and lots of house sport competitions.
We also had our Year 11 parents evening yesterday evening - our first face to face parents' evening since January 2019! It was wonderful to get back to in person conversations, and to be able to share how well Year 11 are doing; they are already well ahead of where Year 11 were at this time last year.
The fun continues next week, and I just wanted to draw your attention to three events in particular. First, our Christmas Concert on Tuesday evening (tickets available on ParentPay). I've heard a few snippets of rehearsals and I'm very excited for the real thing. Second, our Christmas lunch will be served on Wednesday, which means there will be some staggered timings to the day to allow the canteen to serve everyone. I'm pleased to say we have subsidised the cost so the full lunch will cost no more than our regular main meals. Finally, our celebration assemblies will be taking place on Thursday, during which we'll be giving out the usual certificates and Academy Colours.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Yours sincerely,
Mr Farmbrough